06 October 2004


Anyone who's been following the 'Defenders' thread over at Kid Shirt and Psychbloke

will know what I'm on about...

(There's only one thing worse than 'cloying chuminess' in blogdom, and that's private in-jokes!)


  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    You are, of course, quite right to pick us up on this. It was one of the little rules I set myself that quickly got broken.....
    Still, I suppose it is symptomatic of blogging becoming a slightly more collective experience for me. I definitely think that the first few weeks out there in bloggerdom is a lonely time - when like NO-ONE is reading your stuff.
    Anyway, you're also quite right about the cloying chuminess as well- I intend to be extremely rude on Loki's blog.
    (NB - I note no mention of 'I'd Rather Jack' by the Reynolds Girls ?!?)

  2. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Oops - and then you did go and mention it after all.....It's early in the morning.....need coffeee.

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I was taking the piss out of myself, more than anyone else - I'm as guilty as the next man!
